Eye-Catching Camellia Tattoo Ideas
Spring is associated with a number of beautiful and warm phenomena, such as the shining sun, birds, colourful and attractive vegetation. To complete all this, you only need to choose a beautiful spring tattoo that will keep the breath of spring on your body throughout the year. A bright and charming symbol of spring can be a camellia tattoo, which is perfect when depicted in any shade and any size. This flower has such a seductive appearance that it inspires not only tattoo artists, but also became the central character of a number of myths.

What Does A Camellia Tattoo Symbolise?
We have already mentioned that you can do this charming flower tattoo in different shades. And in order to easily orient yourself in choosing a specific shade, you should familiarise yourself with their definitions. If you have studied a little about the meanings of flower drawings, you can easily guess that the white camellia represents purity. The definition of light pink camellia tattoo is more interesting. Despite its seductive appearance, this ink is associated with strife and separation. The red colour of this bloom is a sign of unrequited love. Camellia drawing is also a symbol of beauty. Of course, beauty in the case of this flower tattoo refers to women who seduce without reciprocating feelings.

Legend About Camellia
There is a legend according to which camellias were indescribably beautiful women. They lived on another planet. Despite their incredible allure, they had no warm feelings. That is why the gods have decided that they will not live on the planet Earth as women, but as flowers.
There are other legends woven around this flower. The author of one of them is the Belgian poet Norbert Kornelissen. Regardless of the content of the stories, we think everyone agrees on one issue. This flower is endowed with unearthly beauty and unimaginable charm. That is the reason why various myths are constantly woven around it. It inspires people to create diverse sketches.

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