Perfect Miniature Tattoo Designs by Choi Yun
If miniature tattoos interest you, you will definitely like the works of Choi Yun, a bright representative of Korean miniatures. In general, we must admit that the art of the body developing in Korea and spreading around the world from there is genius. Every work created by Korean tattoo artists is truly a masterpiece and deserves the greatest attention and high evaluation.

The Korean miniature forge has been truly enriched with irreplaceable treasures since Choi Yun began to create and present perfect miniature works. The interesting thing is that it is officially forbidden to wear tattoos in Korea. Perhaps this is the reason why miniature designs are more popular in this country. After all, the latter take up little space and can often go unnoticed.

Features of Choi Yun’s Tattoos
The works of this genius tattoo artist do not represent traditional Korean realism, but represent the direction of minimalist drawings and are unique in their kind. They do not have details that burden the image. And there are no accompanying complex elements. At the same time, it is difficult to call these tattoos simple designs, because one can look at each of them for hours and immerse in their depth. These tattoos are original and very different.

The Entry of Choi Yun in Body Art
Showing an interest in art since childhood, Choi Yun graduated from an art school in his village. Then he entered a university in the capital, Seoul. Realising that it is almost impossible to earn enough money through art, the artist decided to apply his talent to drawing tattoos as well. Having entered the world of tattooing with considerable difficulty, this talented artist eventually managed to get accepted into Studio By Sol. Here he began painting on the skin. He is enriching the art of Korean tattooing and body art in general with his wonderful creations.

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