butterfly tattoo

The Incredible Beauty of Butterfly in Tattoo Designs

Like a rose or a lotus in flower drawings, a butterfly in animal images is a must-have idea for ink and is indescribably loved by the tattoo-loving public. There are too many fans of body art that have even a small butterfly in their body art and wear it with love. Each butterfly tattoo is a real masterpiece, regardless of which gender it was created for, and in what style or in what combination.

butterfly tattoo

This tattoo is a great way to show your calm nature and emphasise your fragile personality. There are countless variations of a butterfly tattoo, which can reveal a lot about the person wearing the ink. Even the colours of this ink can indicate feelings.

butterfly tattoo


In many cultures, this ink is the most vivid representative of the idea of ​​freedom. Beginning life as a caterpillar, this magnificent creature develops wings, becoming a vivid sign of transformation. The butterfly often appears in matching drawings. In Chinese culture, a drawing of two butterflies is a sign of love. In India, people attribute a rather interesting role to this insect. They think that the butterfly is the spirit of the deceased, which appears in the form of an insect after death.

Butterfly tattoos are often a favourite choice simply because of their colourful, light and charming appearance. You can choose them just as an accessory without delving into their meaning. Also, you can combine them with other images, in particular floral drawings, creating a fuller sketch. You can mix this tattoo with a quote or number drawing. Thus your ink will be more personal.

butterfly tattoo

Butterfly Tattoo Location

The location of this drawing solely depends on your preferences. Guys pick rather large images as a rule, which naturally look perfect on the back or thigh. If you prefer the minimalist style, you can pick a tattoo for your ankle, wrist, hand or fingers.

Simple Butterfly Drawing Created with thin ink, this simple drawing is full of allure and love. It is a great idea for the arm tattooing. It is so flawlessly executed that you even don’t have to add colours and other figures.

butterfly tattoo
butterfly tattoo
butterfly tattoo
butterfly tattoo
butterfly tattoo
butterfly tattoo
butterfly tattoo
butterfly tattoo
butterfly tattoo
butterfly tattoo
butterfly tattoo
butterfly tattoo
butterfly tattoo
butterfly tattoo
butterfly tattoo
butterfly tattoo
butterfly tattoo
butterfly tattoo
butterfly tattoo
butterfly tattoo
butterfly tattoo
butterfly tattoo
butterfly tattoo
butterfly tattoo
butterfly tattoo
butterfly tattoo
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