The Most Subtle and Charming Tattoo Ideas Featuring Blue Moon
This symbol of grace and elegance is most magnificently seen on the thigh. Even the simplest image with minimal details and patterns will become the most impressive and charming of the accessories decorating your body. The moon attracts the attention and interest of mankind with its mysterious appearance, colours and energy. It has been a subject of study by people at all times. In ancient times, people believed that it has unusual and magical power and influence. Even people believe that it can bring out creative thoughts and abilities in a person.

Blue Moon Tattoo on Shoulder
As fascinating and impressive as the moon tattoo is, the blue moon tattoo is several times more impressive. A great example of this tattoo is the image shown below, which subtly frames a woman’s shoulder. It is a symbol of knowledge and wisdom. People even believe that this tattoo helps to achieve goals.
If you want to express a contrast of important ideas in your tattoo, you can combine the moon tattoo with the sun tattoo. In general, you can easily create combinations with the participation of blue moon tattoo. You can beautifully combine this image with geometric drawings and figures, as well as any scene taken from nature.

Crescent Moon Drawing on Back
For lovers of minimalist tattoos, the crescent tattoo shown below is an ideal idea. It appears alone, without combinations with other images. And yet it is very impressive and seductive with an ideal play of colour shades.

Purple Tattoo
Deviating a little from the topic of blue tattoo, we want to offer you an interesting idea of purple moon tattoo. This tattoo is also remarkable for its charming appearance. It will be a great decoration for lovers of purple colour.

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